Jasline and Marcus..?! Okay, I'm super shock over this news. Let me cool down okay.. I STILL
CAN'T BELIEVE IT! :O Anyway, do last long you two. :)
Met up with Valerie, Daphne, Celeste and Kent at Sembawang platform and train-ed to Boon
Lay and had lunch at Jurong Point. Slacked around and Valerie and I decided to go for make
up cell group meeting since we won't be able to go for tomorrow's. So we went to Lyn's house,
Yuzhen did the preaching and the whole thing ended around 3.10pm.
Rushed down to church and was just in time for service, just 1 or 2 minutes late. Pastor Kong
was back and he mentioned that Brother Poh got electricuted while on the mission trip to
Jarkata! The first thing I did upon hearing it was turning my head and looked at Shihui's
expression. LOL. "A worshipper may not be a prayer warrior, but a prayer warrior
will always be a worshipper!" And ya, Annabelle Soh rocks, seriously. :D
Had dinner at Best Coffee Shop and I ate some of Valerie's Ban Mian till I was super full
and I'm getting super fat too. ): Walked around Jurong Point and took train back Yishun.
Was laughing like mad with them, "不要问我从哪里来,我的家乡在远方." ROFL.

Took this for our Literature assignment about the poem we need to write. [:

And yes I forgotten to mention that my P4 cousin, Izzaz, came over my
house to stay as Auntie is overseas yesterday and will be staying till tomorrow.
Brother's busying entertaining as you can see. :)