So bored so bored. Not that I don't have things to do, but its that I don't really have the mood.
Especially some of the homework, super sian. Anyone willing to do it for me? :D C'mon, don't
be shy la dey. I'm currently rotting at home and didn't went for cell group meeting. I decided
not to as I know Mama will sure go nagging. So, I'll just keep quiet. :)
I'm real bored man! Neh mind, I shall complete some of my homework later on. Yeah, I should
stop procrastinating man. For now I guess I shall do random stuffs. :/ Getting quite bored over
my current blogskin. Probably look for new one? Provided that I'm satisfied with it. Hehe.
Reeza the sick photographer sent me these photos through msn few days back, the photos he
took during our icebreaker games. He specially sent me these.
When Thomas sisterrrr came to disturb me.
These are retarded man. You see, that's why I said Reeza's the sick photographer! LOL!
Tag replies:
Crystal: Who's that? Why?
Boo: It's a purple dinosuar!
stephanie: Hello! Hehehehe!
YOKELENG :D: Thanks manszx.
XINDING: You are okay! I love you too Xindi. (:
♥ Maxine: YEAHHH!
apryl: Apryl, i♥爱youtoo(:
MEIQI;: Thanks, take care too!
AVERE !:D: Yeah, spam that hot guy! (8
WENLI: Alrighty.
Jiaenxx3aka SHAWN de fan: LOL? Joker sial you.
don:): Yeah, you too. We didn't really managed to finish 3/4 of it.

I forgotten to mention something. Today's me & Maxine's 4 month of stead-ship! Woohooo,
I love you girl, more than how much that Jon-neh love you! HAHAHAHA. Talking crap.
And yes, I'm gonna try to quit my habit of saying vulgarities. For the sake of God and myself,
I believe I can do it. I wanna learn to love God more! I LOVE GOD. :D
I love you girl, more than how much that Jon-neh love you! HAHAHAHA. Talking crap.
And yes, I'm gonna try to quit my habit of saying vulgarities. For the sake of God and myself,
I believe I can do it. I wanna learn to love God more! I LOVE GOD. :D