Today is a lame day therefore I was zi high-ing and laming practically for the whole day!
Yeah, lessons is still boring to me so there's nothing much for me to talk about it. I slept at the last 10 minutes of PC period andwent Apryl's house to borrow her Zinc membership
card. After persuading her to come along too, the last answer is still a, no. :l

Thomas Lau is my sisterrrrrr. :) My face looks ultra fat in the picture. ><

Yoga session at Apryl's house. HAHAHA.
That's how lame and high I was for the day.
So train-ed to Vivo with Daphne, Valerie and Celeste and had lunch at their cool KFC where
you can get to see a nice scenery. I couldn't stop talking for the day and I managed to not
talk for 5 minutes and it seemed like an hour to me. LOL. Bought a new zinc school bag
though I didn't see the monster bag I wanted. But still, I'm okay with the one I bought. :)
And yes, Celeste bought a bag too and each of us got a lifetime membership card. :D

"Woah, shutter.", daphne. -.-

The sceneryyyyy.
I didn't really realised that there's cable car in Singapore till today. -.-

I think this looks more like $1 cheese than 50 cents.

Walked around Vivo and of course, the toys'r'us. We were going crazy in there playing our
catching + hide and seek. I don't know why la, but will always ended up playing that
whenever we go toys'r'us. It's damn dumb and childish but it's fun! HAHAHA. I always
end up as the seeker as I always get engrossed in one of the toys there and they will make
use of the situation and run away. -.- Walked around till 6.15pm and took a bus to
Woodlands which took like 1 hours 25 minutes. Took 969 back Yishun while they took 962.
Got this tag when we asked the people there to keep our bag for us.
And my tag was my favourite number, SEVEN! :D

The thing is super duper small therefore its super cool and cute la.
"Eh, don't think you very pretty ah. I prettier than you.", said by leejie. LMAO.
Photo credits to Daphne. :}

"Handy handy bagpack!", celeste.


Tag replies:
Janessa: Cos I asked you all to get ready and you all ignored me! ):
don:): Lol. There's disadvantage too.
AVERE !:D: I thought you're always at punggol? LOL!
MEIQI;: Okie! Thanks for tagging btw.
DDEADLYKAT: Yeaaah. Sandy and dirty. :p
passer by: With my hand? HA. :X
MEIQI;: Linked!
stephanie: Ours wasn't very fun. :l
Boo: Hahaha, thanks!
Tiong: Yeah, i am a slacker!
ddesmond♥: Thanks man.
apryl: HAHAHAHA. Shhhhh.
♥JASLINE: Yeah, quite long ago. I love nu er too!
superman: Don't know why leh, just very tall luh. HAHA!