YAY! :D My pen committed suicide! It kind of 'jump off' my hand and landed on the ground
with a sharp 'paaa' sound. And my heart cracked. Okay, that's just part of my crap, but it
really dropped with a sound. HAHAHA. High-ing is the best way to keep yourself awake. :D
Miss Angie had changed to the cute-side of her again. She's cute, only when she don't show her
attitude. LOL. Angies lied to me! But in the end she still told me everything la. HEHEHEHE.
Love is in the air baby! For now, 2e2 officially have 4 couples. Cool bodoh!

Caught both Haikal and Munshi sleeping during science lesson.
Munshi wrote till half way and fell asleep again. LOL.
Heying went through the textbook and started asking me for the english meanings. One of the
word she asked me I took quite a time to think and by the time she got the answer and she
showed the *prouds* face to me and um chio. HAHAHAHAHA! My chinese teacher is so cutee!
Had MTC and Mdm Yong officially announced that today will be the last lesson! *CHEERS!*
I was high-ing away and all the couples was being so sweet! O: I'm getting diabetes baaaaby!
Went to staff room to look for Miss Yap but she wasn't around so went to have lunch with
Apryl at 404's coffee shop and went back school to look for Miss Yap again and she compensate my lost stapler with a new PINK stapler! Took 859 to Yishun and Apryl, you better tell me uh!

The first picture was sucha a coincident that I blinked my eye and the camera captured it.
It looks dumb, but I enjoy being dumb. HAHAHA!

As you can see here, Sydney enjoys being dumb too! LOL.

I love Apryl, woman. :D

It's pink as you can see!
Met up Jiaen at Yishun bus interchange, bought my bus concession and she came over to my
house and used the computer. Accompanied her down to the bus stop and waited for the bus
around 7pm and home-ed again.

Jiaen nehhhh! HEHEHE.
Tag replies:
stephanie: Oh really? Thanks Stephanieeee! LOL.
Tiong: Fat meh?
Jian Ying(:: Okie!
Boo: They tried to pull me away, but they don't know the truth. :D
AVERE !:D: Yeaaaah! I wanna sell fishBALLS baby!
Boo: Its not really pink before that also? Anyway thanks.
Janessa: Okay, Janessa's nice! Not. HAHAHA.
Jiaenxx3aka SHAWN de fan: Thanks, woman!
Boo: What's your email? Do tell me there yeah.
don:): Who ask you! Don, the cheese eater, wooo! :P
AVERE !:D: I'll spam it soon till the whole website suffocate! HEHEHE. ^^V