Moshu, Gerald, Desmond, Weixiang, Youxiang and Yongching. Quite a nice movie with all those
oh-so-cool-&-nice songs. I cried at the part where Andie got expelled and the friends wasn't
together. It's very sad luh, but none of them cried. Marcus said I'm sentimental. -.-
So Youxiang, Yongching and me went to Yongching house first and waited for him to get ready
and bus-ed to Yishun. Went home, bathed and stuffs and went to meet them and bus-ed to
Causeway. Had KFC for 'lunch' around 2.45pm and bought tickets for 5pm show. We were
supposed to watch Shutter at first but heard that it isn't very nice luh.
Walked to 514 and watched the boys play basketball till 4.45pm. Maxine rushed down and
bought tickets and we were just in time for the show, although when we went in the theatre
the show had already started. Had dinner after that at the coffee shop nearby 514. Slacked
around 514 again till 9m and I was super bored, checking Louis's bag. It's damn messy for
goodness sake. I didn't realised while looking through his bag, I turned out to help him pack
it too. HAHA. Took bus to Sembawang and changed bus to Yishun with Youxiang.

Louis shades = housefly eyes! ^^V
What a day for me man today. Started out when I went to swap my long pink cardigan with
a blogshopper at Sembawang mrt at 1pm and thanks so much for waiting although I'm late for
15 minutes, sorry too. :/ Wanqi and Jiahui were punctual and we waited for the guys.. Wait till around 2.10pm and they still wasn't ready. Okay, how does it feels to wait for people 1 hour 10 minutes. Super amazing luh, the longest wait for my life. Zzzzzz. -.-
Ya, in the end we met them at Boonlay and I got fined $2 for staying too long at the mrt station.
How great right, zzzz. At that time I was like starving as I didn't have break/lunch and not
even a sip of water. Bought bubble tea and took 242 to church. Thank God that we reached just
on time when Praise and Worship started! I cried a little during worship and I love to
experience God, really. :)
Pastor Tan preached about Ambivalence & Procrastination. He even taught us how to
become a millionaire in 30 years time, cool! ^^ Didn't fellowship with the others after service
as Mama wanted me to go home for dinner. Took train back with Celeste, Terence, Wanqi and
Jiahui. Wanqi and Jiahui kept suan-ing Celeste and Terence for being intimate indirectly.
HAHAHA. And ya, me and Wanqi were competing with our lame jokes. :D

Jiahui and Wanqi. :D

Tag replies:
yx: Okok, happy.
superman: I help you pack again okay? HEHE.
XINDING: Cos you very cute. LOL!
JASLYNN♥: Okieeee.
CRYSTAL: Hmm, in 3 more weeks time I guess?
passerby: Go to www.gickr.com
Jian Ying: LOL?
don:): Paiseh luh.
AVERE !:D:I fell asleep too!
shawnabella: HAHA! Yup I know.
Boo: Awww. Yeah, it over.
Tiong: Cos pink rocks mah.
maxine: MEI XINNNNNN[:
gerald: Yeah good. I'll try okay.
Thomas: Really ah sisterrrrr? Good good, ha.
T-MAC: Welcome, my son leh.
stephanie: Linkedddd.
jon: Why hate me sial?
don:): Too bad, pink still rocks!
AVERE !:D: Really? Oh my, I don't like Mas Selamat. X:
Huayu: Okok, blogged.

Believe it or not, I cutted my hair short. X:
I want to thank God for everything he had done for me.
For being there whenever I need him.
When no one is there for me, he never fails to stand by me.
God is faithful. Whatever you pray for, he gives.
I want to love you more Lord. :)
For being there whenever I need him.
When no one is there for me, he never fails to stand by me.
God is faithful. Whatever you pray for, he gives.
I want to love you more Lord. :)