teacher's not in class. HAHA. BRB, I go watch Junior Home Decor, Shawnabella's on it! COOL!
... ... ... 我回来了!^^v
Her room is damn cool la! If I got a chance to re-design my room I will make it super PINKISH!
Next episode come and decorate my room leh. HAHAHAHAHA. Siao.
Went science lab to do the amylase, starch whatever experiment. I only successfully tied the visking tubing at my 4th attempt. -.- That's why I say partnering with Angies is good, cos she
does all the work for you! HAHAHA! MA was quite okay for today. At least better than usual,
she joked around with us today, after many thousand years seeing her laughing with us. Zzzz.
I was talking to Thomas sisterrr and Ivan about God for the whole period when Miss Shirley
didn't come for art lesson. Ivan you should try going church man, it's really coooool! :)

Glucose, starch, amylase.
I suddenly remembered what I wanted to post that happened last week. Ran for the interclass
2km run and I got a super cool timing! 11.11 minutes, 8 position. If I knew that if I was at
8th position at that time I would have chiong no matter what to get 7th positon man! Ooooh,
neh mind. All I need to know is that i love number 7. :D Okay, random.
Stayed back after school for the camp briefing and we are not allowed to bring our phone to
the camp! Don't care, I got my ways to bring it there. *cheers for leejie!* >:D If any of the
student leader is reading this, don't batoh me if not I will kill ya. ^^
Had the Canberrans day rehearsal after that but the weather was bad and it started raining
= no rehearsal! But I didn't bring umbrella and have to stay at school till the rain got smaller
which means there's not much difference. -.- Had dinner with Mama at Northpoint's KFC and
she didn't have KFC for 1 year plus already. Weird mother, from don't know what century, ha!
Oh I can't believe I told her something I don't expect myself to tell her.. *grinds teeth* :/

Shimin sent me this picture through friendster yesterday,
taken by her on 859 when I was sleeping. Very fat bodoh!
Thats the reason I detest wearing my uniform, super ultra fat! ):<
There's this CIP thingy on Saturday, 5th April for the sec 2 cohort. The whole school don't want
to choose, choose sec 2. Now I can't attend neither service nor Shawn's Simei event. Zzzzz!
What is wrong with Canberra Sec man. Okay, I'm happy for now. Kind of. Bye! (x
*Btw happy 15th belated birthday Joyce Wong Shi Hui cousin! :D