when I was on my way there. I walked the wrong way, instead of going right, i walked left.
I ended up walking to some weird blocks. LOL. Silly me.
Started out some ice breaker games and most of them caught no balls of the Chop Chilli Chop
game, HA. Followed by Praise and Worship and it was super duper uber ultra hot la! I think at
least 25 people turned up today! Even Salam that study guy came leh! HAHA. The whole place
was like suana please. -.-

Shannen preached about Sacrifice of Praise and we shouldn't just praise God when we have the
mood, but practically no matter what we must praise God! And ya, I should have shared my
testimony today. But nevermind, as long I know God has made a difference in my life.
Praise the Lord! :D
Pictures & Videos credits to Shannen. :D
Had food competition after that and I was in group 4 with Justina, Gujuan, James and Shannen.
We were made to eat a tub of ice cream, RAW corns, loaf of bread 1.5L coke. The raw corns
sucks man, ewww. I ate quite little and was very full already. At least I ate 1 raw corn right?
At least clap for me la. HAHAHA. We had a mini worship session and I kept 破应. X:
Had dinner at SP KFC and Jasline accompanied me to bus stop and wait for the bus, home-ed[:
Garrick mixed the coke with the tub of ice cream. o.O
James made 'coke float'. o.O
Khoonfai's super gross!

Johnny's and Huiwen's socks is O.O man.

This car is cool man. :D
Tag replies:There's school tomorrow and leejie don't like it. Byebye. ):
♥JASLINE: Hello! Hmm, maybe? lol!
PuRE.AngeL-: Okok, I'll change it.
ying xin: Of course I remember you! Thanks for the tag, miss ya. ^^
superman: HAHA! It's cool la dey.
♥ Maxine: Good good, thanks man.
shermaine: Okie.
Boo: Lowwwwwww~
AVERE !:D: Okok, I'll try to do it by tomorrow[: