Got 7/22! Cool eh. :D And I am forever falling asleep la. Stephanie was super sad over sometimes during recess. Girl, cheer up. That fcuking Muthu, security guard, kept pissing me off.
I late for lesson or not your problem? Zzzz, eff him la. Mr Choo allowed us to do revision after
doing letter writing correction. Did my science revision, woohooooo[:
Mr Chew showed us video again. It is funny okay. "Mampussss!" HAHAHAHAHA! D&T was
havoc man. Mr Din dint come at first. Was listening to songs through my earpiece when Mr Din suddenly came in. Lucky I hid my handphone in my pencil box. Lmaoooooo.
Took 859 back Yishun after school. Had to stand all the way. -.- Off back home after that.

Look at Junzhao's leg on the table. O.O

Sydney so cuteeeeeee! LOL.
Class photo coming right up. :D I look stupid in it la.

Manmang's drawing is cute! {yesterday}

I NEED A HAIRCUT! X: But the main thing is the Orchid Park tie la. Lmao.
Tag replies:i must not want any thing more than that. im missing you.
Refer: Take advantage of his what? -.-
JEANNES: Will relink ya.
CRYSTAL♥: NO. You did not see WRONGLY[:
manmang:Where got ugly siol? Cute luh. Haha. You mean which blog?
Refer: Spammers want get entertainment mah.
xing yu: Hellooo! Hahahaha. :D
Refer: Hoho?