O.O Haikal enjoys posing with my PAD? Rofl!
My Macromedia Flash. :D
The one Thomas edited. -.-
Did a card thingy during Chinese lesson. Miss Yap told us to write what we hope and wish.
I wrote that I want to see Shawn! HAHAHA. :D And I needed 1 more mark to pass my science pop quiz la. Argh. I shall pass tomorrow's pop quiz[: Managed to understand today's Maths.
Mrs Phang said she will miss us during the exams! Woooooottttszxsxz! LOL. Haikal was damn noisy during History la. Okay, I was falling asleep at that time too. After school, had lunch at Milkk Cafe with Angies and Jenny. Had my Crunchy Ice Cream! Yumm-mehhh! But I'm sure gonna grow fatter two times again. I want to go on a diet, after exams! >:D

My card. :D And if you can read it, good for you. HAHA.
Tag replies:*i'll still have to get over you. and dont look back. but, can i?
manmang: Orh, post already[: That time I forgotten to post.
Prefer: LOL. Nice one. X:
briano: YO! And you flooded in front of me in the IT lab. -.-
JieZ: It is dangerous luh. Especially, the tenon saw. Worst nightmare man. LOL.