Mr Choo is making a lot of noise today. As, I was revising Science during his lesson.
But the fact is, the lesson was effing boring la. Crapping away with Haikal to keep myself awake.
"Hey, Mumbai ah, India!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. :D
Mrs Phang gave us Children's Day present, leh! LOL. D&T workshop is a damn dangerous place.
Did finish that cam box we were doing for don't know how many donkey years. I do until can cry luh. The equipment is like, can chop off people's head. Zzzz. Miss Yap is backing to her yelling business. -.- She is like, SHOUT, out of a sudden. But I listened during her class luh. While eating chocolate too la. Hohohohohohoho[:

Our Children's Day present! :D
After school, went Milkk Cafe with Angies for lunch. Went Community Centre and waited.
Heyu reached first and followed by Manmang, Huiyi and her friend. Revised 2 chapters of Science before them reaching. I can actually concentrate luh. But after they reached,
no mood to study already. Was fooling around la. Crazy luhhhh. :D Off back home around 6pm.

Genius Huiyi! [:

Cute Manmang! (:

Heyu pure lamer! :D

Joyce & Jonathan, weeee yuuu weeeeeet! LOL. X:
Tag replies:*i have this crave to see you, but i know its no use.
valerie: Woohoooooo! Hahahaha. :D
serene♥: Yup, seeya on 14 oct! SHAWN ROCKSSSSS! [:
yiqian: Saw you too! Rock on too!
kat: Lol, the spammer damn lame luh.
serene♥: Precisely! LOLLLL!
Refer: Zzzz, don't anyhow comment on people la. -.-
`#jas[LINE]; x/3-leejie: He's cute luh! Can't stand any closer la. HAHA!