Anyway, got our class photo back too. Waiting for Janessa to scan and send me first.
Watched Ratatouille while Mr Chang talk to some students over their results. 1e1 came over to our class to watch together. But the whole class damn noisy okay. People want to watch one right. -.-

Looking at my past art work, not bad eh. HAHA! X:

My best lamer, Lim Ting Pooooooooo


Angies is dao de luh.

Sydney and Shaniceeeee :}

She took me, so i took her too. LOL.

Sydney's post is so, nice? X:

1e2, I'll miss you. See you people, next year! :D
After school, Jingting asked me to pei her to her class party. Went Milkk Cafe to eat first.
And some weird stuffs happened? Yeah, really kinda of, erm.. You know. HAHA. X: Soon walked to Sun Plaza with Jingting and meet up with her friends. Took 882 to Sembawang Park. The weather was effing hot luh. I can get heat stroke any minutes la. And I got kind of dizzy and had slight headache. Eat, eat, eat. I ate damn much alright. I'm growing even fatterrrrrr! D:

Ah Ting ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Took bus back Sun Plaza around 6pm. Actually should leave at 5pm, but Jingting played her Uno for at least an hour. -.- Anyway, took mrt back Yishun after that and walked back home.
Was feeling effing dizzy on the way luh. Reached home, had a fever, ate tablet and I'm fine now! :D

Tried out facebook. Not so bad, had my first baby, with myself! My tongtong, HAHAHA! :D
Okay, I want to trim my hair man. But I'm afraid it might curl up if I cut luh. Sighssssss.
Someone, give me advice leh. X: Okay, time to reply tags and end this post[:
Tag replies:*people told me to give up. i will, stop thinking about you.
CLARA: Yeap, sports campppp!
Refer: ?
SHAWN: Haha, good good. x) Don't come, then never tag. :D
Refer: Huh? Got close? X:
yiqian: LOL! Next time I gong again, please tell me!
huiyi: Yay! You cute la, hahahaaa. And yes, I'm gonna sing, you also must sing okay! x)