Before I forgot to post this, I shall announce. Fornia Lim Ting Po, has been given the Lamest Person Platinum Award today. *Clapssss* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
That's lame, and she wants me to post it up. :D Okay, I don't find a need for me to go to school today. Regretted going to school. Zzzz, oh nevermind. I didn't bring my Sports Camp form today to hand in to Mr Lok. Oh well, hopefully I can remember to pass it to him tomorrow. :l
AND! Louis loh is dropping down to NA. See la, don't study somemore la. Better buck up k, boy.
And yes, I forgot to post this up yesterday. Mr Lok is damn unfair alright. He's suppose to allow the basketball people to go for the Sports Camp too. But he suddenly got basketball out of the list and purposely embarrassed them in front of everyone. Ohmygod, how bad can he be la. _l_
Was supposed to go through Geography paper's correction. But we went to a talk instead.
I tell you ah, the teachers/school is damn exaggerating man. They invited Dr Kunalan to the talk, the best Athletic in Singapore. We have to wait for him and hear teachers crapping away for 34 minutes" 28 seconds "47. Have to even rise when he reach la. You all still want put red
carpet or not? Zzzz, crazy. Anyway, the talk was still okay. Listen until made me kind of sleepy.
But Dr Kunalan is CUTE! "Olympicssimmmmm" Cool, bodoh. Hahahaha! :D
Anyway, was sleeping in class again. But Mr Chang woke me up as he wanted to go through the science paper. I sleep also sleep until got headache. -.- AND! Haikal was being VERY lame.
He kept asking me to teach him chinese. Okay, get ready for some lame-ness. :}
Haikal: Wo ai ni, very much. How to say the 'very much' in chinese ah?
Me: Err, wo hen ai ni.
Haikal: Wah, so its, I very much love you.

Haikal broke my hairband and made it into shapes. -.-

Camwhore while waiting is a good way to kill time[:
Met up with Soonpeng and Jingting after school at Milkk Cafe. Went 514 after that. Louis they all go and went Sun Plaza to get back Louis handphone that he lost yesterday before meeting us. Yeah, slacked once again. Soonpeng ate 4 ice cream a day man! Ohmygod mansxzsxzs. Oh ya, Soonpeng, remember my jelly water bottleeee! Wooootsssss. :D Jasline accompanied me to mrt and off back home.

Jelly Waterbottleeee! Model: Jasline[:

Louis lying on the floor, again.

I love how I edit my face man. HAHAHA :}
Tag replies:*in the progress of giving up. its fated that way, i guess.
iris: _l_ This is the sexist sign onthe world! LOL! :D
rosezina: Aiyoh, you also jiayou alright. Still got next yearrrr.
yUxUan: Yeah! The one who keep playing PSP than studying. HAHAHA!
apryl: Yo apryl dua chiobu! I love you tooooooo :}
LIHERN: Ohmygod, darling! I'm jealoussss X:
yiqian: LOL! I'm so damn gong la! ><
JieZ: For that post only mah, LMAOOO!
louis: hellooooooooooo! :D