reached slightly later then me. HAHA. Anyway, walked around Bugis Street. Serene bought her stuffs while I bought my 6 watches and one black cardigan. Okay, I'm seriously going broke la. I'm supposing to be accompanying people, but I turn out to be the one to be spending more. Zzzz.
Met up with Shawn after that. We walked Bugis Junction 1st floor twice just to wait for him to reach. LOL. -.- Took neoprints after he reached. And it's damn stress with him alright. People will be stalking, looking and taking pictures with him. He have to hide here, hide there. Should consider digging a hole and hide inside. LOL. Now I know being a superstar also not so good X:

Okay, went AMK Hub after that, After deciding to go where out of 1000 places in Singapore.
"Eh, want go J8? Eh, dont want la. Go Tiong Bahru? Go Downtown? Go Zoo?" LOL. -.-
Met up with April when we reached. Serene and I accompany Shawn to eat the Puff at Cheers,
grow fat together. -.- Walked walked walked. April is damn high man. Can make me keep
hahahaha-ing on the thing she talks luh. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA, siao. X:
Left AMK Hub around 5.30pm. Took mrt back, and off back home. Mama pai wo ma pi when
I reached home. "Wah, ni jin tian hen mei." (Wah, you very pretty today) Madnesssss.

I hate my freaking thick hairrrr. D:

Camwhore when I reached home. :D
Tag replies:Ohya, I'm still having a headache right now. Eff this. Hope it'll be gone sooooon. D:
louis: Gooooooodddd[:
april: Hellooo! :D
iris: Eh, where got long luh. _l_ Fuck la you. HAHAHA! X:
huanhui(::Hello dua chiobu! Yeap, cya on sports camp! Take BIGGER care! <3
yiqian:The cutting of hair not included, LOL! I also thought like friendster. But didnt know got so many things can play one. You should try, haha!
soonpeng:Girlfriend! I triming a bit only. My hair now very thick luh. D:
cheri:You add me, I accept[:
Refer: o.O Is it?
avereee:I bought le, haha!
*guess the feeling's gone. but jealousy do occur at times.