Sadly, I tried to trust my instincts of just following the signs leading us to Timbre but it failed a tad terribly. We ended up clocking extra 'mileage' lol. Nonetheless, Gillman Barracks vicinity is pretty and 文靜 like what Vivi and WC described, giving us extra time to enjoy the creative pretty architecture. Thank God it rained before we went so the weather was pretty chills.
The rest of the time was just sitting around and enjoying the nice (loud) music sitting close to the stage. Also headed to one of the nearby ice cream cafe for second round before leaving at 11pm.
Saturday was equally good. Service at Jurong West (2nd week, 1 more week before we return to Suntec), served for choir 5pm and 7pm service before joining the rest of E456 for dinner at Star Vista. Sat around at the steps near the water fountain till 10.30pmish before meeting the rest of the girls for a time of supper at Upper Thomson. JR being the sweetest to pick us up and drove us to the destination. Her friendship effort is almost always 9/10. Inspiration.
Honestly, looking how the weekend has been thus far (and many of the past weekends as well as days) makes me wonder how long more can we fellowship is such a way? Just so simple, light-hearted. Almost without any agenda. Growing up forces people to change. Change the way we look, speak, work, communicate, plan, enjoy, rest. I know it sounds super ironic and strange, but even in the midst of being able to spend time with the people I enjoy spending time with, I am already missing how it would be. Knowing that times like that would definitely reduce and cease makes it so much more.. 感伤。
To be real frank, half of the time when I'm spending these time I feel lethargic. It's definitely not because of the people but that constant feeling of tiredness is within me. Which I hate so much. Still, I'm thankful that my mind and body goes into the battle yet I can still be there where the people are. Being an extrovert pretty much mean that people gives us the boost to the internal energy, DESPITE the physical tiredness. <= THAT CONSTANT STRUGGLE. Ok I battle with it, but most of the time its really an internal battle which I don't think and hope it was not expressed (annoyingly) repeatedly to others like a broken recorder.
Simply said, I will work towards not letting that physical tiredness (or LAZINESS) hinder the precious cherished time I can get spending with those I love.
Sidenote: My mind was thinking so much about (missing) food that I dreamed of a long series of awesome buffet with an awesome dosage of strawberries and many more food. Errr it also included me and my friends in the dream just exceeding the time limit and eating shamelessly into the next buffet session. LOL am I crazy
Sidenote: My mind was thinking so much about (missing) food that I dreamed of a long series of awesome buffet with an awesome dosage of strawberries and many more food. Errr it also included me and my friends in the dream just exceeding the time limit and eating shamelessly into the next buffet session. LOL am I crazy