Wednesday, April 01, 2015


Told myself that I'll get myself into writing a blog post yesterday while I was listening to songs which really expressed so much within the soul. Music is seriously one for the greatest just-words-on-their-own-can-never-express kinda stuff that God has blessed mankind. Or at least to me.

They are so many songs written about love. Love for parents, a lover, a friend, a nation, a party filled life, someone who has passed on, God etc. Listening to heartfelt ones really gets to me. Love really does make the world go round, doesn't it?

Everyone is looking for someone, something to somehow fill that void in the heart. I can so honestly say I'm no exception. But after seeing and hearing of so many broken hearts, it's just so......heart breaking.

It's been 4 years since I was in a relationship and had my heart utterly shattered. After all these years I can only say it was never easy picking up the pieces and getting myself to see that I'm someone of value, someone who's worthy of love. Just because one person, because of one whom I thought was love to me not reciprocating love the way I wanted the person to, would cause me to feel so unloved. See how much just one person can do to another, because of what we thought was love?

We choose to believe what we believe it to be. I chose to believe I'm dying a little inside every single day. And I did. At the end of the day...... How much exactly does the entire process benefit one?