writing and stuffs I felt so much better. I think most of my stress was caused by english luh,
everyday I think of what's gonna happen tomorrow, I feel that there's so many stuffs for me do.
It seems never ending man. Okay, I'll pray to God everyday to get through all these. :)
We did our presentation in front of the class during CME period and the judges was Mr Chang
and Mr Sham. I kept 'la-ing' when we were answering teacher's question. I just can't control it
baby, it just comes so naturally that my mouth will say it out. My writing is definitely better
than my speaking, I will always mix english/chinese/hokkien together when I talk. HEHE.
Science lesson at bio lab:

It's egg white baby!

See the difference of Thomas's testtube amount of egg white and ours, kia su sial! LOL.

I actually managed to take Haikal, Junjie, Fornia, Sydney, Huanhui,
Thomas, Munjun, Gloria and Weiheng. :D
-click to enlarge-
Miss Shirley confiscated my math exercise book during her lesson! Actually it's because I did
it in front of her during her lesson and she's so wicked to take away my book only at the last 10
minutes of her lesson. -.-! I think she gave it to Miss Yap and thank God that Miss Yap just said,
"So you need me to help you bring up the book is it?" Amazing, she didn't scold at all. :D
And ya, Mr James came in our class today during Literature lesson and as usual, Mrs James
chabot lesson, said by Mr James not me! LOL. Anyway the paper which consist of what work
Mrs James left for us to do was lost and Mr James is great a actor as he can act all the way
that he's gonna give the whole class detention on Monday for that. In the end he just ended
with a, just kidding. Zzzzz! Almost the whole class ate his story.

Don't worry Janessa & Briano, it's not My Band. :)
Met up with Daphne they all after school and me and Soonpeng went to the bus stop to wait
for Gwen while the others headed to Valerie's house first. Reached and played some games,
only played like for 5 minutes? Sang praise and headed back school at 4pm with Jasline
to wait for Marcus outside detention room. After 40 minutes of waiting, Marcus said he's not
going. Okaaaay. So went back and ate KFC, 3 chicken! Super fattening bodoh! Left the place
around 6pm with Gwen to the bus stop and took 859 back with Youxiang on the way.
Tag replies:Tomorrow's friday! *BIG SMILE* I feel like skipping school tomorrow so that I can get some
superman! :D: I understand already, I teach you! (:
And you don't need me anymore. T.T
AVERE !:D: Why fever go home sleep? I caught no FISHballs!
Boo: Trying to, thanks anyway!
PuRE.AngeL-: Thanks kor, take care too.
don:): Yeah, especially cheese eater.
guiyi: Hmm, okay?
Tiong: ...
AVERE !:D: Ohmigosh, pink NEH!
♥ Maxine: Yesyes, he's just a small ant NIA. X: Heh, jk.
Boo: Wooden?
reny: Relinked!
stephanie: Awww, ask JE to entertain you! HAHA. X:
sleep! There's only like 3 lesson, what for attend? Okay, but I know I still will attend in the
end despite saying all these. -.- SIAN. The only day I can sleep all I want is on saturday. ):