You'll never know how I feel deep inside.
A smile covers up a million tears.
(Quote from Apryl)
A smile covers up a million tears.
(Quote from Apryl)
I just got up from 30 minutes(?) sleep and feeding on Mamee, the monster noodle snack! :D
Actually I don't know how long I slept. I just lie on my bed while waiting for a page to load,
not intending to sleep, but somehow I just asleep and lazy to get up. X: I didn't have lunch. ):
It's sososo tiring to get up 5.45am every morning, take bus and drag myself to school. Ewww,
I hate schooling. Whats worst, it takes away my precious sleep time! >:O Neh mind, I just have
to bear with it. We were made to run 2.4 for the third time and of course, I didn't have mood.
Mr Felix just asked us to let nature takes its course and just run what you can. How nice?
I didn't intend to run but in the end I ran with Janessa forcing her not to stop so as she can
pass her 2.4km, 18.04 minutes was the result. Is it a pass? :/ She said she wanted to run till
Naval Base Sec without stopping but she stopped thrice. Jan ah Jan ah, tsk tsk tsk. Mr Felix
told us some 人生道理 once again and some sounds logical. But some, super no link. :P
Heying made us do si han and this time round it wasn't as difficult as I thought! It's not you
can do it or not, it's whether you want to do it or not. I didn't want to do it but I did it as
Heying will allow me to go to the toilet if I complete my work. So I chiong-ed the whole si han
and rushed to the toilet to change to uniform immediately upon doing it. HAHAHAHA, ks.

Valent and Apryl used this pen to force open a waterbottle. Eventually, the waterbottle still
didn't open, instead, the pen got a severe bend. LOL.
No assembly for today so we had PC lesson. As usual, it's a sleeping session for leejie. B)
Went down to find Marcus they all with Sydney to settle their problem and it's damn lame.
I know they are angry but they used the term 'you all' when it wasn't my business baby!
LOL. Took 859 back home and I should seriously stop thinking so much. ): And ya, was
supposed to study at Plaza Singapura with Avere they all but it was cancelled.