irritated super easily. My, I think I need some anger management. Okay, I don't know what
am I talking and I think it because I'm lacking of sleep. And yes, I'm fat and short. I like to say
myself but I don't like it when people say that to me. I guess I'm suffering from aneroxia.
Abnormal me. I'm just talking crap, so random. HAHAHA.
School as usual, leejie still doesn't likes it. 3 teachers didnt came today, Miss Yap, Mrs Long
and Mrs James. Yet that didn't mean we could take a breather, all of them left work for us to do!
But of course, I hardly did any of them and only did Miss Yap. HOHO.
Miss Angie came back to teach us and she said she misses our class and even gave us sweets!
Woah, thats cool. She told me I am famous is 2e3 as she said I told them something about her
and they told her. Wth? I don't remember telling any 2e3 people about her. Those who said
or mentioned about it please own up. Lol, lame.

She let us see this Eygpt thingy for don't know what reason. :X
Had lunch at 404 with Angies and Sydney. Shanice and Vanessa came over to look for us after
that and took 859 back Yishun with them. Today's the only day of the week that I went home
before 6pm. I'm super tired and having moodswings again. ARGH, irritating. I'm currently
super despo to slim down and grow taller. Walau, can my body just go by my wishes? ):
Those people who come my blog without tag, its time for you to tag. Tagboard's dying! :l