Friday is super slack and leejie loves it, baby! WOOHOO! :D Mr Liew is very cute man,
especially the way how he teached me how to do the 'shoe rack'. His scrotch tape was indeed
very lousy. HAHAHA. Ran Napfa's 2.4 today and I didn't really managed to run the timing I
wanted. :l Ran 12.27 minutes when I aimed for 12 minutes and below. Oh well, I shall try
harder next time. YAY. [:
Heying's lame but I like it. HAHA, MAMA FENG. Sydney and I were highing like mad and
Heying almost chased Sydney out of the class for laughing. LOL. Assembly problem as usual,
I was sleeping almost all the way. Ivan and Thomas kept poking me till I buey tahan. AIYOH!
Took bus to Sun Plaza after school and took train to City Hall and reached around 1.40pm.
Gigi was standing right beside at the mrt's escalator and both of us didn't realise it! I only
realised when I turned my head and about to reached. Ha! Don reached before us.
Waited till around 2pm when Avere and Jillian reached followed by Huayu when we met him
around City Link. Had lunch at Marina Square's Subway and shared the foot long burger with
Gigi. It was my first time eating Subway though and the taste was, okay la. Nothing special. :/

My first time eating Subway.
Slacked there and did some of my homework, very some. HAHA. Joanne came to find us
followed by Stephanieee. Avere was making me super high la, my heart pumped super fast
at that moment and the reason of that was super lame. LMAO. Gigi left early as she went to
grandma house. Awwww!

Joanne have a cute pencil box!

Walked around Marina Square and saw this super duper cute soft toy, STITCH'S GF, ANGEL!
SUPER CUTE! Saw it and wanted to make it mine. Gahhhhhhh, the sky haven't drop down any money for me! ): Went to camwhore using self-timer and I was the one running here and there to start the self-timer. Lol. Was still kind of fun[: Slacked around, Joanne and Stephanie left
early. Had dinner at MS KFC and took train back Yishun around 8.10am.
Credits to Joanne's phone[:

Stitch's gf, Angel.
It's damn cute okay, argh!
Plus its pinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! <3
$9.95. Anyone willing to buy for me? HA, JK.
Pictures credits to Jillian[:
We were supposed to jump, you know.
1234567, i love number 7! :D
Tag replies:Some pictures is with Jillian and Avere and the rest. Shall post them up when I get them.
Huayu: Okok. I'm trying to think that way, very hard!
joanne: HAHEHO! * is damn cuteee la! HAHAHA. HELLO TOO! ^^V
stephanie: You even cuter, ha!
superman: Aww, I'll swing with you[:
♥ Maxine: Hello steaaaad!
mang: Okay thanks! Miss ya too, mwuahs! HAHA!
Tracy: Hmm thanks[:
don:): Lol!
SERENEx3: It's very not worth it luh, tsk.
♥JASLINE: I love this dong gua nu er!
apryl: Yeah, I love you too womanszxs!
Huayu: Okay good!
PuRE.AngeL-: Thanks kor. (:
/{.EIMAJ ♥: Okie, remind me!
daphne: Lol, thanks daphne.
eugene: Can use blogger's photo host de mah.
Tracy: Hello!
Tiong: =.=
JIAYING: Goooooooood.
don:): Luckily i didn't watch man.
maverick: Oh okok, psps.
eugene: Tagged[:
And there's CIP tomorrow, very lame CIP. Running for the 2.1km Olympic Youth run or
whatever shit. Don't know why our school so kpo, went to join such lame event. I can't go
neither service or Shawn's event. Eeew, thats like shit. I'm tired. Good night. :D