LEEJIE'S BACK! (obviously, like duh) :D
Let me tell you how's the camp before you want to ask. It is.. not as fun as I expected it to be.
Yeah, sad right? I know, stop saying, it's demoralising. I'm just self-talking. HAHAHA.
Okay, I'll just post what I can alright.
Day 1.
Papa fetched me to school that day, lest I have to take bus and walk to school with my bag pack
which was quite big as though I'm carry a tortoise shell[: There's some jokers who really
brought luggage leh! Super kua zhang la. Played ice-breaker games at school's parade square
with the SL first. Our class SL were Syahidah, Raja, Darshen, Chinwen and How Ren.

I was kind of high at first but soon my battery got flat and wasn't really enthu. :/ Took bus
to Changi Coast Adventure Centre and started the introduction and stuffs. Our class was
super hyper at that time, mama feng. The class was grouped into 2 groups, 3 & 4, I was in
group 3, with Chinwen, Raja and How Ren in our group.

Trainers were Nizal(?) and Faris aka Fernando. They're very weird la, kept giving
themselves weird names, wanting to act one of Italian. LOL. Nizal was super lame and high
at first but at the end of the day he went super low. -.- So we tried the general settings
aka low elements. The one that all 10+ people have to squeeze at a small land and sing a
song before we can get down. Scary bodoh, machiam was gonna fall off anytime. O:
Got super pissed off during dinner time when we have to wait 30 minutes after taking our
food for everyone to get theirs, do makan cheer then we can start eating. It's super time
consuming la. Plus we were super hungry and the food is right in front of us, turning cold. -.-
Played the blind mice game when we blind fold ourselves with an extra shirt and held on
to the person's should who was in front of us. Then we got brought to walk around and till
now I still don't know where did we walked that day as we were blind throughout the whole
game. I think there was many time that the SL trick us annd made us walk like an idiot
who don't know whats going on. Super lame but quite entertaining. :D
Shower time, sucks. The toilet was damn dirty and the place was flooded. Didn't even got a
chance to go in the cubicle for a bath, only got to wash our hair near the basin. One of the
cubicle theres shit on the toilet seat. GOSH. Had supper and briefing on the belaying and
stuffs. Lights out at 11.45pm and I was super looking foward for the last day of the camp. :P
(wow, I didn't know I was gonna post so much.
If you find it too wordy, then.. Too bad. HA, JK.)
Day 2.
Slept quite well though someone snored which kind of disturbed me. LMAO. I shall not say
who, guess it yourself. :) Did morning streches, making us run with a super empty stomach
as if we have the energy. Zzzz. Trainers let us have our breakfast even having to say
the makan cheers and stuffs but in the end we still have to stop eating and wait for the
other. Sianjipua. I hate the whole thing to be so long winded la.

Presenting ... ... ... Sydney's socks with a hole at the front! -.-
Tried out sea rafting, did water confidence before it and its quite tiring and fun. Followed by
some knots and lashing thingy which made me kind of fall asleep while listening. X:
Kayak with Jiaxin and both of us got sea sick half way.
(starting to cut short ... ... ...)
We only managed to do rock climbing which I was reluctant to try at first. It looks easy but
when I tried it and I can't keep myself close the wall. Difficult siol. As for the others high
elements like rocking climbing, abseiling etc, we didn't get to try any of them as it was
raining. How greatttt. *pouts*
Campfire was lame too, but kind of entertaining still. With those instructors jumping around
and some other classes performances. Our class performance was super jialat, didn't turn
out the way we rehearsed it. Saddening, nevermind. :l We acted and I doubt anyone caught
any balls. I acted like some spastic Cinderella. *hides face* Angies
Today, last day.
Woke up at 6.30am and I very well, didn't hear any snores as I was sleeping a different
position from the majority. :D Packed all our things, had some pathetic breakfast which
there is salad, without dressing. Neh mind, it's still taste alright.
Did area cleanining at the general station despite us breaking our egg which the punishment
was to clean the toilet. HENG! There were hardly any litters for us to pick up except, stones.
Faris let us slack adn he was very very lame. And he's only 17 leh! (looks more like 20+, HA)
Debreif, prize presentation. 2E3, 2N3 & 2T2 won the overall. Lydia and Marcus were the
best camper siol. Marcus siaaal.
Took bus back school and was dismissed around 1.15pm. Oh ya, I didn't surrender my phone
on the first day when 3/4 of those who brought surrendered theirs, kept it in my sleeping
bag and when Chinwen checked she even said, "Why this sleeping bag so heavy ah."
HOHO. Had lunch at Sun Plaza KFC with Apryl & Fornia and home-ed.

I took almost an hour to wash my shoes. O.O I know its very kua zhang but just imagine how
black it is manzxzs. And some random stuffs I wanna mention about the whole camp.
Those times when our class go 'Wooooo!' and swing our hands together whenever an
areoplane flies past us. ^^V And some of the cheerssssss!
Ah ah, I feel so good
Ah ah, I feel so good
Ah ah, I feel so good,
I feel so good, I feel so good
Ah ah ah!
sounds so wrong wrong man, the Ah ah part. HAHAHA.
Saaa! *clap clap clap clap*
Saaa! *clap clap clap clap*
Sa sa sa sa!
xi shua shua xi shua shua
xi shua shua xi shua shua
Tag RepliesI'm dead beat, having panda eyes! O:
Jiahui: Yeah. It was still okok, wasn't very fun. :l
mary: Erm, no? Who said he lives in Yishun?
JEAN :D: Jio me out someday yeah, tc too!
AVERE !:D: Let's go see doctor together someday. :)
someone: I'm ain't cute. And you are?
Tracy: I'm back! HEHE.
Jiaenxx3aka SHAWN de fan: LOL. Joker leh you.
stephanie: Oh really? I'm back now!
`Passerr}: I'm not yeah. You are? Btw takecare too[:
iris: Thankyou you!
XINDING: Of course I know you cute cute de Xindi!
don:): Thanks although it wasn't very fun. :/
♥ Maxine: No fear, all of us are back!
AVERE !:D: Don't cry Avere, leejie's back! x)