So I met up with Daphne and Celeste at Sembawang mrt and train down to Boon Lay, met
Shihui in the train at Jurong. Huiwen's friend drove us to church and the timing was just nice
that once we reached we just needed to wait like 5 minutes and got seats and stuffs. Cool. :D

The Ah ma behind me seems cute. HEHE.
Pastor Tan preached about Thinking With Excellence. We got to do things with excellence and
God always exceed expectation! And yes I love Annabelle Soh and her super melodious voice.
I'm dreaming to be like her one day (impossible), she rocks man! WOOHOO! [: Went to have
lunch at Best Coffee Shop, ban mian! Shihui and Daphne were crazy, they ate ban mian + half
bowl of chicken rice each. But of course Daphne was much hiong-er. She even ate the $4 big
bowl of ban mian. PRO. *claps for Daphne*

Pretty Huiwen[:

Took 242 to Jurong Point and walked around, trying to look for a school bag for myself.
Sad to say that none of the bags there caught my eye. :l Oh well, I guess I just have to wait
till I take a trip down Bugis or something. I want the monster bag pack that I see a girl
taking in the morning when we were on the way to Yishun bus interchange, super cute!

This water bottle damn big! But cool. ^^
Valerie, Jaren and Hanwee came and joined us soon while Huiwen left after buying our
water bottle at Toys'r'us. Walked around the Boon lay's Pasar Malam and took mrt back
Yishun with Celeste and Daphne while the others went Khoonfai's house.
Tag replies:AWAY FROM 7 - 9 APRIL FOR SEC 2 CAMP.
Tiong: What Shawn AGAIN sial?
JEANNES ♥: Thankyou you!
♥JASLINE: Woohoo! You should have seen the other 2 couple of my class,
they even sweeter, till can get diabetes. Haha!
stephanie: HI! You are cute la dey, HA!
♥ Maxine: Lame then cute mah. HEHE!
AVERE !:D: Yeah! Drama Mama! x)
PHANGGIGI [: HELLO GIGI! That's but of course it's interesting. LMAO!
joanna: Yeah. ): But I'd asked God for forgiveness already. HAHA!
Thanks btw, I will! :D
Huayu: Thanks thanks, wo hui de[:
I don't really have the mood for camp right now. Sianjipua. I'm gonna miss everything,
especially my bed. HAHA. Anyway if you guys wanna sms me I'll still reply, at night. [:
I took around an hour to pack the camp stuffs. Hope the camp will be a fun and successful
one, I'm gonna be enthu during it! Continue tagging, mustn't let my tagboard die.
Miss me okay! HAHAHAHAHA. Good bye everyone, take care. :D