Okay, maybe not. :l Still left with Art, which I don't give a damn whether I fail or not[:
Anyway, History today was still okay. Last minute revision works for me yo. But then I don't know how whatthehell the last question was about. The question changed but I was so stupid enough to forget to change it and do the unchanged question. Zzzz, waste time. And I just anyhow write something in which totally makes no sense, cool horrrrrrr. :D
After school, after much consideration, went to Angies house to do Art preparation. I suck in Art man, totally. And went for lunch at 12pm, which is like, super early. -.- AND! The place that we went for lunch majiam like those olden days de small kopitiam like that. LOL.
Angies totally didn't do much of Art when she keep asking me to do. Somemore when I drew 4 designs already, she was still working on her first design. Played with her small tortoises. They are uber cute, but I'm uber scared to hold/put it in my hands. I was very reluctant to try holding it la. It is like, so damn itchy and scary? Still didn't manage to try holding it though. :/
Left her house around 4.30pm, took MRT back Yishun and off back home.

Angies cut out Shawn articles for me! :D

But she cut off Shawn's hand. D:<

Angies 'beautiful' drawing. X:

I got nothing better to do yo[:
Tag replies:*you dont know how much i pray every single day for you
WEILI !: Hello! You too uh, loves. :D
CRYSTAL♥: Ask you return then you everytime never return. -.-
And which Saturday you talking about?
siuhui: Hello. :D
avere: LOL! It's funnaye.
`#jas[LINE]; x/3-leejie: Retarded is good yo! HAHA.
Refer: Yeah, =D is getting boring..