And that is when, that fcuking Muthu came to irritate me. Mr Wee just catch my earring and he come talk so much for what siol? Eff you la Muthu, I get Tan Keng Joo to sack you la hor.
Just get your ass back to your India okay. Bloody irritating fucker, dog. _l_
Anyway, Literature paper was still alright. Do until very sian leh. After school, went to meet Jasline they all at Milkk Cafe. Went Civics after that to study. Jasline and I were revising History together. :D But I soon had no mood to study already la. Went to find books to browse through and many of them were interesting yo. Went 541 around 5 plus and went nearby kopitiam to eat.
Slacked awhile, Soonpeng and rachel accompained me to MRT station, thanks. Off back home then.

Jasline take de hor. X:

Cool siol. :D


No wonder Haikal says I'm fat in school. D:
Tag replies:And I had hiccups around 3 times today. Zzzzz! -.-
passerby: Oh really? Next time say hi to me alright! Btw, where you saw me?
And I'm not cute yeah[;
huiying: For me too little leh. Haham I'm slow in my work yo.
huiyi: Quite cheap leh. Next time we go and buy together!
huanhui(:: Hello dua chiobu! You too okay, huanhui is a super clever girllllll.
hheyu :): Erm, you got any dates to suggest? I'll post on blog if I decide[:
avere: HAHA! The book is damn funny la.
Refer: Yeah, =D
xing yu: Yay! I will jiayou de. :D
*you're a big someone while im a nobody. its impossible.