Sunday, February 06, 2022

Delivery of Kara & Confinement

 Oh gosh I've been telling myself that I'd like to blog my delivery experience during my 4 months of maternity and guess what happened..... nothing?!

Ok many things happened. I just happened to be living in the present moment fully. Haaa haa.

I'm very glad that despite much procrastination of slow editing of my delivery process, I've managed to piece the video snippets together and have it posted / saved on my instagram post.

Since i've gotten myself to get my macbook plugged in and come onto this page, I'd better ensure I have this jotted down.

Now, let me refresh my memory. I've told many of our friends my experience but i'm sure i'd appreciate myself years down the road when I get to read back on this.

The entire delivery process was.... long. Close to 35 hours?

My 'mini contractions' started on 1st Oct 2021 at 8.07pm (yes, this precise because I took it down on my phone notes), each coming in about 4-5 minutes intervals, and lasting for 15-20 seconds. It had a few pauses between each hour, but persisted into 2nd Oct 2021 3.17am when it got more intense and painful, though bearable. Rovson and I were already preparing each other that night while watching show (Agents of Shield? or I think it was Squid Game) on Netflix before turning in for the night late about 1am. I would have slept earlier if I knew it was be heading to the hospital for delivery lol.

So I called my dad up about 4am. My dad and mom came to pick us up and drove us over to KK Hospital at 5am. Got into the observation ward with Rovson and laid there for about 30 minutes before the doctor gave us 2 options of 

a) Going back home and wait for the pain to get more pain (in her words lol)
b) Get admitted and await spontaneous labour (since my contractions on the machine was reflecting regular contractions)

We chose option B of course.

I was not showing any other obvious signs of labour such as clear dilation or waters broke. We did head to the hospital as during our last visit to the doctor she mentioned to head to the hospital if there were any of the above, and/or regular contractions. Else, we would be heading to the hospital as scheduled on 5 Oct 2021 to go into labour. My dilation was at 1cm back at the visit 1 week prior, and it was at 1.5cm when the doctor checked at in the observation ward L O L.

Thankfully, we were given a ward that was air-conditioned upon admission despite choosing the subsidized option. Breakfast, lunch, high tea were served in the midst of the wait since admission at 7.40am. We managed to catch the last 2 episodes of Squid Game lol.

We walked around hoping to encourage spontaneous labour to happen. Despite that, nothing significant happened. The contractions got a lot more painful towards 4pm (mind that it was already 9 hours since we got into the ward) and I requested to have painkiller / doctor to check on my dilation. To our horror, the nurse informed us that the delivery suite were fully occupied and I had to wait, in her words, for maybe another 1-2 hours. Guess what after 1-2 hours? To no avail. Omg i was really in great amount of contraction pain that prolly the nurse took pity on me and made it happen for me to get a slot in to the delivery suite to have pain killer administered because it can't be done at the ward where i was.