I forgot to mention about Benjamin getting into the next round. :x
Anyway, Huixian & Fukuan got out.
What a pity luh Huixian, she has such a sweet voice & she's such a sweet girl.
Videos of Shawn crying over Huixian's elimination were post up on CSS website.
What a heartbreaking scene. :x
Anyway today Charmaine woke up late in the morning,
she had sudden stomachache so i went to Yishun Bus interchange without her.
But she still went to school by her own in the end.
Today's lessons were literally longgggggg & boringggggggg.
Got angry at the first period when Munshi say things that I dint do.
So damn f-ed up. :x:x
Drew an 3D apple for art?
Mr ng taught us about the Adobe Dreamweaver thingy for IT lesson,
which is also similar to creating of blogs. & I'm learning the things I alr know. -.-
Was kind of late for recess, but still ate.
Chinese lesson was funny laaaaah!
Fornia made fun of Miss Yip as she has short tongue & everyone changed their seats.
Fornia: Miss Yip how to say jing cha (police) in english?
Miss Yip: Erm, say again?
Fornia: *Repeats.
Miss Yap: PU-LISHHH. (police)
Fornia: Orh, okaaay.
Science was nothing interesting, learned the new chapter about Forces. :/
Mrs Phang was so kaopei during maths lesson. :x
She kaopei-ed me, I'm getting irritated with her. _|_
Okay leejie, enough of your vulgariti-ness. LOL!
&&& let me show you something aye? ;D
Miss Pan dint come for history lessons, the history is about to begin again. -.-
& whenever that happens, we'll still be given a ton of work to do.
Piggggg, even spongebob's cuter than you. :x
Anyway school was dismissed soon, Charmaine had NCC.
So, accompanied Fornia walk all around & we went to Milkk Cafe for lunch.
Alvin Tan treated Fornia, Lihong, Chaiboon & me.
Skipping some parts.
& soon took 859 back home.
Watched the new video posted on CSS website.
Saw the video Never Give up, & I cried again lah! T.T
Reminded me of Shawn's elimination. Freakkkkkkkkk.
Nevermind, Shawn's gonna pull through the Revival Round. :D
Yay Shawn, Jiayou okaaaaay! ;D
Oh my god, Shawn's super cute laaaaaaaaaaaah! :D