I still don't like school. Lesson's are boring like crazy as usual and I'm still falling asleep everyday. The whole cycle just repeats itself everytime. Super sian. :l
Reached school at 6.35am today and waited for Daphne to arrived. Celeste overslept. -.- We prayed for like 7 minutes and Daphne forgotten who should she pray for half way! Went 2T1 and 2N3 to lay hands on the tables. Bring revival to Canberra!
I want Apryl's water bottle! (the smaller version)
I'm actually taking Mrs Long's waterbottle cos it's pink and nice too! LOL.
We actually mixed the wrong things together. X:
Used up the whole matchbox. -.-
In the end, the whole experiment is still failed. -.-
Angies love to play with fire.
Mrs Lee allowed us to read the newspaper during her lesson and that rocks lor. I love read newspaper, especially when there's interesting topics. :D One of the article today wrote about a rapist who rape, torture a girl for 19 hours. He scalded her, gag her and even forced her to gorge out her eyes with a scissors! Damn sick la. Omgzx, why are there such people on earth man! -.-
This man in picture of the newspaper looks cute. :D