I have so many random things to blog about right now. Okay, anyhow first ah.
Papa said his contract is ready to upgrade and I guess he's gonna give me. X:
Sekali he bluff me, but I don't care, I want it! HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH!
But right, C902 still isn't out and Papa said he went to ask about it and he said
it's still not out and it's damn expensive as it is a new phone. SIAN! :(
Tell me some nice to use phone which have good camera leh. *thinking* :/
My arm is still hurting like siao la! I feel like amputating it. Hmm, should consider.
If the pain still persists, I'm not gonna go school tomorrow. The pain is unbearable. )':
Wah lau, go away you stupid pain. Gogogogogogogo, far far away. JUST GO!
Lol, I'm self talking.
I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo gonna rebond my hair on friday.
Even if the sky falls down on that day, I'm still gonna rebond. x)
Should I cut bangs? Should I, should? If not I'll just cut half bangs.
I'm so tired of my hairstyle. Eeeeee, suggestion please?
AND! My computer finally have sound or-leh-di (already)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cos I went to kpo and delete one of my sound device 1 month ago and my computer
didn't have any sound. But thank you Eugene Chan for the link and
thank you Huayu for trying to send me. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
I'm gonna let Papa use the computer now. BUAI BUAISZXZSXZ! :D