Mama feng, I'm currently in school lab 1! Heying is going around the class but she's kind of
blind not to see me going other sites. Nono, or you should say I am clever enough to hide it well.
HAHAHAHA. Okok. I don't know what to post leh. Thomas sisterrrr is beside me YEAH!

Com lab 1 is coooolio.

The website Heying asked us to go machiam porn site. HAHA.
Today school is still alright but leejie still doesn't likes it. Miss Wong is coming to teach us for
a week I guess. At least she is better than MA, like duh! Having Napfa test later leh. *bites lip*
MA's making us stay back before that which means we are having our lunch late. If I get
gastric, blame her. :) Junzhao says he misses Huanhui right now. Zzzz. Blog more later [:
And ya ya, I tricked at least 5 people today. Briano and Thomas is one of my victims.
"Eh, look at the guy there!" *points at a direction* MWUAHAHAHA. I got tricked twice,
once by Gerald, once by Bryna. And both was on the same trick, my shoe lace was loose. -.-
Neh mind, I'm gonna trick more today. Byebye. :D
IS GONE. _l_ AH. Whatever la. I'm gonna RE-TYPE. So this post might not sound as lively
as before. Grrr, NEVER-MINE-D. ):<
Went 3 times to the computer lab today, Mr Chang, Heying and Miss Angie. Mr Chang made
us search for answer the chapter 6 worksheet he gave us on the internet and Thomas actually
showed me a picture of a cartoonish male's cock, he's trying to make my eyes dirty! LOL.
I caught no balls of how to do the work Miss Angie wanted us to do and the whole class just
anyhow do, don't careee. x) Had Napfa and my standing broad jump and sit & reach and just
passed. SBJ 150cm, sit & reach 29 cm. Noob man, totally. Sit up: 49, Inclined pull up: 20,
shuttle run: 11.3 sec. Getting bronze again this year, confirm.

Ah tong!

Jamie Loo! [:
And ya, got our CCA tee and its very expensive for its kind of quality luh. It's not very nice
and it cost us $16. I've spent like $16 on CCA tee, $22 on class tee and maybe $15 on FC tee.
Super broke please. I hope the sky will start dropping money for me tomorrow. HEHE.
Took 800 to the bus stop near my house which just took 1 stop as it was raining super heavily.
Don't care, I have concession anyway. HAHA.

The CCA tee which costed me $16. -.-
Tag replies:
Huayu: Oh really? I'll help you inform him[:
AVERE !:D: Okie, ha!
Jiaenxx3aka SHAWN de fan: Lol. Try to fool people then.
apryl: HAHAHA! She's pa jiao. :}
don:): I'd fooled some, heh.
shannenn: I forgotten, and when I realised I've already posted. HAHA.
I'll edit the post later[:
khoon fai: LOL.
Tiong: -.-
don:): Totally the same?
♥JASLINE: Yes I agree, haha!
Jiahui: Ahhhh, the picture damn ugly!
JIAYING: Okok, I'll change it soon.
AVERE !:D: Hello grand son, I'll see your fringe on friday!