I never failed it before for my entire life yet I failed it for the first time. WTF. _l_ that old witch.
MISS wong, don't think your angmoh slang till like that means you have the right to fail
people or whatever crap. You're sure all behind all this. NB. F you old witch. FUCK YOU! _l_
Mr Liew asked us to wear mask during D&T saying its for our health. HA.
Miss Angie made us back stay back after school for 1 hour and its real irritating la dey. Met up
with Valerie, Daphne and Celeste at Bishan platform and train-ed to bedok. Had lunch, bus-ed
to the Salon place. Got my hair cut, a little V & layer plus jian bao and cut my side. Ala, don't
know how describe, look at the picture I'm gonna post later on and you'll get what I mean.
It still looks alright, not much difference. Might look a little different, just have to get use to it. :)
Met with Valerie's cousin and auntie after that and went their house. Slacked around there
laughing like mad over Valerie funny actions. Celeste and Valerie today were damn joker la dey. HAHA. Valerie's aunt treat us dinner and drove us to Bedok bus int. Thanks! :D While waiting
for the bus we saw the boy who acted in I not stupid 2 who is around 15 or 16 now and they
wanted to tou pai him cos he's cute. LOL. I was sleeping on the bus back Yishun when Val
they all were busy talking. Sleepy man, ha!
Celeste & Valerie, Jokers for the day.
Normal thumb.
My left thumb is kind of swollen and I suspect that the bone is out of place. LOL.
Hope that my tail won't get thick so quickly!
Tag replies:Mr Chang called me just now asking me if the class key is with me and I didn't it is. Which
周★桦裕: Yeah, it is! HA!
maverick: I thought it's already centered? My blog picture turn out messy in some com. :/
don:): Lol? Okay, thanks luh. That helped ALOT. -.-
rovson: Ya hor. HAHA!
Iris★: Okay good, thanks la dey.
AVERE !:D: Yeah, damn cool la!
maxine :D: Louis Loh Kai Boon.
xindixD: What time did you go? We left at 1pm leh.
Tiong: Pink is nice!
Boo: Yeah[:
WENLI: Okaaaaay.
Tiong: You should have called the police and ask them. LOL.
kat: Tagged yaaaaa.
huiyi: HI, THAM. (:
means, I forgotten to return the class key. Zzzz. Valerie with a kind is gonna help me return
on Monday. Thanks a lot Valerie! I'm gonna paint my nails and go to sleep. Good the night! :D