My greatest honour will always be, to serve my Lord and King. :)
MA, never fails to ruin my day! Everyday face so black (her face already super black), give
attitude. BLOODY hell you !@#$%^&* I hate you, let the pigs _l_ you upside down man.
All she can use to threaten us, detention. Some people didn't do ONE PIECE/PART of the
homework she gave and she gave ONE WEEK of dentention. You're a human, so are we okay, everyone makes mistakes. Even God gives us chances, you don't even care. I rather Wong
Sooh Yee to teach us. Yes, even SHE is better than you BLOODY unreasonable b!tch. -.-
ARGH. I better don't let a bangala spoil my mood. (x Heying showed us the video of Xi You Ji
and Sun Wu Kong's cute man, hoho! And I'm so glad I'm not having much problem with math!
Miss Yap really made my math improve tremendously man! :D
Had lunch at Milkk Cafe with Soonpeng, Jingting and Jeffery. They went to pour the whole cup
of salt to the coke and the taste is O.O!, saltier than the sea water. Shuang mah[: Ran 1 hour
non stop during training, from school till somewhere around Sembawang park and ran back
again. Kind of regretted choosing to run that than 4km man, neh mind. And ya, I just have to
go for 2 rehearsals for the Canberrans day thingy. x) Took 859 back Yishun with Charmaine
and my bag spoilt, the whole strap snapped. Zzzz. Have to use back my pri 5 bag for now. :/
The white layer of thing is the salt. o.o