I love fridays! Papa fetch us to school today. Assembled in the hall for morning assembly and Team Singapore came our today. Cool! One of the Team Singapore guy very handsome bodoh!
From far I see la, if close I don't know handsome or not. HAHAHA. Then followed by a talk by
Dr. C Kunalan, Marcus they all disturbing us, Fornia & Angies super noisy la. -.-
No PE for the day and Felix spend 1 period talking about those values. Although I hate him but
what he said is kinda meaningful. YADAYADA. We stayed at the 3rd floor watching some of school people and Team Singapore playing netball. Heying actually praised my work today leh!
"If everyone in the class does their work like leejie I will be so glad." (in chinese)
It's been so long since a teacher praised me, and it's Heying leh! H-E-Y-I-N-G! ROFL! *highs*
D&T, Mr Liew talked about the Front view Side view thingy and obviously no one's listening.
I even went to the teacher's table and took his model answer to copy as I don't to listen to his
long winded teaching but he still took it away from me la. LOL. Went around the class asking if my hair got colour and all gave me the same answer. "Yes. Brown." :/
OHP, shaaaaadows. :D
Was super high cos of Briano and Valent they all, super funny! I love 2e2 whenever we bond with each other! :D Had lunch in school with Angies and took 859 back Yishun. Looked at some bags at the Pasar Malam and none really caught my eye, some more quite ex. :O
Haikal talked on the phone right at the front of the class. -.-
Tag replies:I miss going Church. ):
Tiong: You mean ALLOWANCE. Around $6.
don:): LOL.
baby lolipop(c):Oh okay.
IvAn:Thanks la dey. I'll relink you soon[:
don:):Yeah I want to cut.
Tiong: Why you keep saying me rich? What did I do that makes me look rich? -.-
ye xing: O.O! Are you kidding? -.-
passerby: Shhhhh, she will shy. LOL.
Tiong: You go ask him luh. I LOVE PINK! It's a big baby eeyore and another thing.
I only didn't go for 1 service and I feel guilty and drifting away from God. ): But I'm going for
Service tomorrow! YAY! I love God, thank God for everything! :)