Met Soonpeng Yishun bus Interchange around 2.30pm. And I made her wait for me quite long,
sorry Soonpeng! Okay anyway, took 39 and alighted at the bus stop near Park View Primary, took 358 all the way to White Sands. Waited for Avere, passed her the purple watch.
Yeah, and she gave me a Shawn's Album and Spongebob sticker, HOHOHOHOHO[: Walked
around White Sands to kill boredom, went Library and found some interesting books. We kind of forgotten the time due to those reading. Weehoooooooo, we're some book lovers yo! LOL.
My hair looks straight here! :D
Played with the travellatorrrrrrrrr. :D
Some interesting books contents. :D
The meaning for {}
Kiss - Keep It Simple Stupid
GAL - Get A Life! :D
Took mrt to Woodlands, me and Soonpeng highed there a little while as usual. Went 514, passed
Jessamyn, Weixiang and Louis their watches. Slacked, took mrt yishun and off back home.

We look cool, thankyou. HAHA.

I also don't know why my face became like that. I know, I'm retarded[:
Conferenced until 4am before that, I fell asleep and suddenly woke up again around 3am plus.
And by the time, Weixiang, Louis and Yongching hung up . Louis was entertaining us, laughed my arse off. :D Jasline, Chang chang chang chang chang! LMAO.
Anyway, slacked at home during the afternoon. Took 859, met Soonpeng at the bus stop.
And yes, I reached at the exact time, 3.30pm, I wasn't late leh. HAHAHA. Waited, took the charted bus to Ngee Ann Poly. And blah blah blah. I was a reserved, like what for I go man. Helped them to take their timing and stuffs. Lazy to describe yo, haha. X:
Canberra Sec didn't win anything. Oh well.. Good effort anyway[: Went Ah Mei Cafe with Soonpeng to have our Roti Prata. LOL. Took mrt and off back home. Hohoho.
Random video taken quite few days back with Soonpeng. Very crazy. :D
Tag replies:*i hate you, you hurt me badly. shld i just give you up?
Boo: Yup.
Refer: Thanks for tagging~
avereee: Thanks for the CD and stickers uh, I like it. Hope you like that watch. :}
passerby: Yeap, how you know?
CRYSTAL♥: Yeah, but now don't have liao.
rosezina: Cooooool. Wangzi leh, must more selfish. HAHAHA.
`#jas[LINE];: Nope, maybe is camera trick. Lol.
LoUiS: Thanks for tagging yo.
Matthew: Thanks[: