to have a slow jog for 45 minutes. And of course, everyone walked for the 45 minutes. HAHA! :D
Me and Soonpeng actually took the short way, in the end we U turn and take the long way as we wanted to waste more time. Who knew, we took 1 hour to reach school in the end. -.-
Miss Yap asked us to skip 50 times skipping rope, do 20 sit ups run 3 set of short distance.
I didn't do finish, obviously. Hohohohoho[: Clara sprained her ankle. Aww, get well soon uh girl. {:
Went back Yishun after CCA with Soonpeng. Had LongJohn, Soonpeng came my house after that.
We went HIGH! Camwhored! :D She was busy playing with my Barbie dolls. LOLLLLLLL!
Used Longjohn's cheeseeeee :}
Soonpeng, don't high! LOL.
We're acting like some kind of Retardsssss[:

See, she's enjoying playing with my Barbie dolls. HAHAHA.
Soonpeng's barbie design
leejie love Spongebob and Soonpeng love my peguin. :D

My shades, still thinking if I should sell it. Don't think so now. :}
Took mrt to Woodlands, went 514 around 3.30pm. Slacked there, laugh, talk, camwhore! :D
Weixiang and Wilson accompanied me to mrt, took mrt back yishun while Soonpeng went home
already. And there's a stupid Uncle on the Mrt who used his big bloat stomach filled with air and
food to push me and kept stepping on my shoe. Yeah, I was wondering why he was doing that too.
Okay, probably one of his screw dropped out. Oh well, I should be more understanding. HAHA.
And I saw rainbow when I was on my way back home! BEAUTIFUL! Oh, I'm so random. :D


Yongching you don't act emo la hor. :p

Jasline helped me vandalise last time. HAHA!

Act yi ge fierce, ROFL.

I'm lame, thankyou. :D

Edited by Soonpeng! But don't look like me. :l

I LOOK SO FAT AND I AM FAT! {credits to soonpeng}

Soonpeng ask me to make my face look slimmer, LOL!

Can you see the Rainbow? :D

Weisien and I were fighting over Wangzi on msn.
HAHAHAHAHA! Hopefully I can edit my blogskin and once click, can have a larger view.
Anyway, wear specs de Wangzi is mine, never specs de Wangzi is Weisien's.
WAHAHAHA, I'm Wangzi's Wife and Weisien is Wangzi's Girlfriend! YAY! :D
*maybe you're the one i like. but, theres no more chance.