Met Weixiang and Youxiang at Sembawang mrt around 4pm, they boarded the mrt I was boarding. Sorry to keep you guys waiting! X: Train-ed to Woodlands and walked to 514. Sial la, the only time I went without any girls accompanying me and I don't like it. :/ Anyway, Benard passed me my pink ipod and I tried figuring out. My stead came! But I shy la dey. HAHAHA! I didn't accompany him play and he emo-ed. ): But in the end I still played with him abit and talked alot untill he don't want go home. HAHA.

See, my Eugene stead emo-ing. ):
Soon lots of people went back and stuffs. And ya, I saw Laurence, Louis elder brother, for the first time. Alamak, only their eyes look alike sial. LOL. X: After that slacked with Weixiang, Bernard, Wilson and Youxiang. Laughed a lot at Bernard's lameness and the shit Wilson stepped on. Lmao.
Ate at the nearby coffeeshop, Bernard continued his laming. Took mrt back Yishun with Youxiang and off back home.

KP = KaoPei. X:

Yeah, as for today, I'm still rotting. But chatted with few people through msn. Planning to go out soon with Serene and Avere around 5 or 6 december to Sentosa. Meeting Lihern darling too next week for movie[: And yes, tomorrow meeting Junkang they all for Sakae to celebrate Junkang's birthday! :D Waiting for Rachel's answer too, most probably working at her mother's laundry factory, help to fold towels? Lol. -.- Don't care, as long as can earn money. :D That also means I don't have to rot at home! Wooootssss. Time to reply tags. :D
Tag replies:PS: My ipod can only play 20 songs out of my 94 songs. And its 4GB. _l_
Refer: I can't wake up early.
weisien: Wangzi's superrrrrr hot can. HAHAHA!
JieZ: Finally you're tagging, LOL.
maverick: Oh okay. I'll ask my dad to take note of that!
avereee: Haha, I hope so. :/
LoUiS: Thanks for tagging. :D
CRYSTAL♥: LOL! At time we're still okay luh. You saying who's ear big?
Cristy: Huh? Whats that?
SHAWN: LOLLL! Maybe only in the picture. X:
avereee: Thanks for tagging uh[:
LIHERN: Yeap! I love you too darling! :D
*i dont think i shld tell you. you love me no more.