"Fail liao la, fail liao la." Zzzz. The paper is really wants to kill me luh. I am getting a F9 for maths this time for the overall. From a E8, to a F9. Cool yeah. :D
Anyway, had Science paper after that. I really tried to squeeze those effing science notes into, this tiny weeny brain of mine. It did help I guess. Yay[: The paper wasn't too hard. Except for the last few questions. Left them blank. Because I know even if I write something, it will be nonsense. X:
Yeah, after school just took 859 back Yishun. Charmaine asked me to join them at KFC, to study.
Didn't go, anyway, I forgot that I dint bring any books at that time. Luckily I didn't agree manszxs.
If not I'll be an idiot who study without books. HAHAHAHAHAHA, crap[:

This donuts are super duper uber nice yo. :D

Hoho, I'm crazy. Bye[:
AND! One of my tooth just dropped earlier.
It's a Bloody scene. :D
*dreamt of you. but it wont happen real life. moreover, dreams are still dreams.