Met Soonpeng around 9.45am. Sorry for being late! Cos I was never early. X:
Mrted to Jurong East and wait for the shuttle to IMM for damn long la. Saw Avere that time and soon took shuttle bus together. Met Gigi and her friend when we reached, walked to the place where Shawn was selling donuts. Bought one only, can't buy much la. Anyway, the donut taste not too bad. Walked around IMM for nothing and Soonpeng was talking on the phone with someone.

Huang Biren and Xie Binghui.


Wince your eyes to see whats going on. (:

Soonpeng is my Honeybun. HAHA!

We managed to play a bit of the travellator, but a lot people. -.-

We were walking the whole IMM up and down looking for playground. In the end, still can't find the playground. Zzzz. Had Long John Sliver for lunch, walk here walk there.
We were damn lost la. Don't know where is the pick-up point for the shuttle bus and we walked umpteen around level 1. Asked for direction and soon mrt to Woodlands and waited for Soonpeng's sister, Fenghua, accompanied her to Orchard to change her money and went Penisula Plaza together. Bought my black skinnys, for $20. :D

Eeeew? X:
Met Valerie around 5pm and walked to Suntec City while Soonpeng they all went town.
We were walking aimlessly la. Don't know where we walking man. Had dinner at Pepper Lunch first, the food was, alright. First time eating it yo. Continued looking for the Suntec Convention
Hall, where the event will be held. Valerie smsed CK if he know where is it, but, he was lost too.
LOL. Saw Serene they all, actually wanted to follow them but still lost them in the end. -.-

Black pepper beef rice, Pepper lunch.
Okay, we're very lame[: Soon found the place after seeing CK. The speakers there can seriously make you deaf man. The Top 10 soon performed. Shall post some videos and pictures. :D

Photos credited to Valerie[:
PS: Volume of videos are SUPER LOUD. Turn your speakers volume softer before listening.

Valerie helped me took all the photos. LOL.
Shawn's Mu Nai Yi. EXTREMELY BLURR. D:
Shawn's Lian Ai - ING. :DDDDD
Keely's Ping Chang Xin.
Guohao said he is singing for Agnes, so sweet!
Please kindly tilt your head if the video is not in position. (:
I love Agnes's Fen Shou Kuai Le. :D
Benjamin's Feng.

Huixian! <333333

Top 10. :D
After that, went walking aimlessly again. We anyhow walk and he have to U turn several time.
Walked back to the Suntec Convention again, Valerie was hoping to see CK and take picture.
Saw him, he is very lame, can. He even suan me about Shawn's performance. -.-
PLUS! He sua ku siol. Mrt there then he say not there. Valerie, don't kill me! HAHAHAHA. x:
Anyway, took mrt back yishun, emo on the way. X: Bought donuts and off back home.

Valerie looks weird with that eyes. O.O
Tag replies:
Refer: Zzzz. You and your smilies. -.-
CRYSTAL♥: Why don't you come my house and give me?
JEAN-: Yeah, jio me out[:
ying xin: Yeap, meet up soon yeah!
Refer: -.-
jonathan: Okay, what the hell is wrong with you, Yong Lin? Zzzz.
`#jas[LINE]; x/3-leejie: Since that time? LOL. X:
anon: But you can add me msn or talk to me through Plugoo mah.
huiying: Huiying show off can do work fast la. HAHA!
avere: Yeah, welcome[:
Refer: He's just out of his mind that day yo.

Okay, I'm retarded[:
Sayonara. :D
*i'm lying if i say i've forgotten about you. cos i never can.