Passed all the subjects I know so far! :D
Wooohoooo! Played Frisbee for 1 hour 30 minutes plus in the morning. Can play until you die la, LOL. Anyway, random teachers came in to give us our papers back and let us know our results.

Results. :D
Practical: 15/15 full marks leh! LOL! X:
Paper: 45.5/85
Total: 60.5/100
Letter writing: 17/30
Compo: 18/30
paper} Summary: 14/20
Passages: 16/30
Oral: 21/30
Total: 60/100
Section A: 16/20
Section B Part I: 2/5
Section B Part II: 4/15 Pull down my marks luh! D:
Section C: 33.5/60
Total: 55.5/100
Paper 1: 19/50
Paper 2: 31/50
Total: 50/100 I PASSED MY EFFING MATHS!!! :D:D:D
Oral} Passage: 8/10
Conversation: 25/30
Paper 2: 45/75
Letter writing: 13/20
Compo: 30/50
Latern: 3 Extra marks for doing that lantern[:
Total: 68.89/100
After school, had lunch at Milkk Cafe with Angies, Jasline and Rachel. Took 962 to 514 while Angies went back school. Slacked around there, played a little of basketball and chatted and played at the playground, retard luh. Hohohoho[: I tell you ah, there the mosquito started attacking on my precious blood once I'm at the court la. Grrrr, suckersssss! D:<

Jasline, edited too!

Edited goes I look goddamn retarded luh. :D
Anyway, let me cut short cos Charmaine Wong is rushing me to blog finish, she's at my house now! Doing our blogshop laterrrrrrrrrrr, weeee uu weeeet! Okay, back to the point. -.-
Had dinner at the nearby coffeeshop with Soonpeng, Jingting and Jasline. We were going highhhhhh. I'm crap, Jingting's lobster, Soonpeng's sotong, Jasline's fish. HAHAHA, crazy!

Spot Louis rolling on the floor laughing. HAHAHAHA!
Took mrt back yishun soon. And there's one idiotic bangala kept looking at me in the train.
Stare, stare, stare. I shall dig your eyeballs out, boil it, and give dog eat la. Asshole. LOL. X:

Eh, look at my eyes at the first picture, like wear contact lens siol! HAHAHA!
Okay, shall stop here for today. Doing blogshop already, bye[:
*i have no chance. should i continue to wait or not