Oh ya! Before I forgot, there is something I want to post yo.
Happy 4th Anniversary for supporting Shawn, leejieeeeeee! :}

Anyway, there is nothing to post about yesterday. I was just rotting at home, as usual. And the only thing is that I watched Resident Evil 2 & 3. Weee-uu-weeetttt! You must be wondering why I am able to watch Resident Evil 3 when the movie is not even out yet.
Simply because, my brother searched for it on the net, and me and my mother watched it together too. Okay, but I didn't managed to understand much of the starting. But the show is still nice and I think there is still a Resident Evil 4 or something? Hope so.
Okay, I think I am going down CC later to study with Charmaine they all. Yeap, so..
I shall just post some pictures now and start to pack my stuffs and mugggggg downstairs. :D

There's a SHAWN there when I was mugging two days ago. HAHA.

Can you see any resemblance between me and my brother?

Showed my brother this photo and he answered "Who is this?" -.-
Tag replies:*i think im getting over you. maybe the feeling isnt the same anymore.
JEANNES: HAHA! I just took Heyu's tie and wear. X:
Refer: O.O Okay.
QIANLING-]]x: You too uh. Hehs[:
kat: Oh okay. Next time ask you out you MUST go yeah!
hheyu :(: LOL! Okok, don't be sad.
Jeannes ♥: HELLO! :D
passerby: Thanks for tagging.
passerby: Hmm, I kinda lost the URL. Sorry!
weisien: Thanks. Anyway, It's okay. HAHAHAHA!
iris: That time mah. X: I'm saying after EOY yo. Lol.
Refer: :D