Continued sleeping for the remaining 40 minutes. HAHAHAHAHA.

Some primary school came Canberra for Open House don't know what thing. -.-
We're just trying to let time fly faster during lesson luh. Got back our Art and D&T results anyway.
Quite satisfied with my Art though. :D But D&T totally sucks, BIG TIME. Anyway, the paper
only hold 30% of the results, so, it doesn't matter much. I hate D&T, totally. :D
Had meeting after school for cross country thingy. Wa lau, need to go for Sports Camp.
That means, tomorrow need to go to school for briefing. Shit this, I can't sleep longer. _l_

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This Pink digital camera damn chio laaa, if someone give me, i love you to heaven la. X:
Met up with Jingting after that, went Milkk Cafe for lunch, plus Angies. Went back school after eating, waited for Soonpeng to finish her detention and went to take bus. And guess what?
We took the bus stop at the other side. End up, we had to go down at Sembawang bus
interchang. Had to take mrt to Yishun then. Alamakszxzsxz, waste transport fee man. -.-
Walked around Northpoint. Practically walking aimlessly la. Watched Soonpeng eat KFC, walked Pasar Malam and stuffs. Aiyah, nothing better to do already. Walk until very tired also.
Off back home around 5.15pm while Soonpeng and Jingting went back Woodlands.
Tag replies:*i gonna give up, soon. cos i know, there's no chance already.
rosezina: Hmm, my results still okay luh. Got pass can liao. You leh?
Refer: Oh okay.
louis: Ayerr, cant blast phone if like that liao. :l
SHAWN: Actually don't really have any smell luh. LOL. X: Only the sea water de smell very, yucks. :p
lijin: Yeap, I remember you! HAHA! I quite shock that you from Park View Primary also.